It’s been a while since my last entry and I have to say with good reason. It was a busy end to spring with days of rain giving way to record high temperatures. Not to mention the endless high humidity. What didn’t break in June and July seems to be holding up in August allowing our service technicians a chance to catch up on some much need rest. Modern’s service technicians have averaged 150 hours overtime with some as high as 300 hours. I felt a little odd thinking about writing my midnight blogs while they were still out working. Before we get back into the normal busy of our next season and hopefully the return to regular entries I would like to take this opportunity to thank them and their family.
First and foremost I’d like to thank the service technicians that make ModernControls a great company to do business with and a great place to work. The quality of the people that I work with is amazing. How they managed to keep going in such adverse conditions day after day with such a good attitude is a true measure of their character. When it’s a 100°F outside and your air conditioner isn’t working it is hard not to be impatient for your unit to get fixed. Most people never stop to think about what the guy on the roof is dealing with. His reward for getting you going is another dead unit to fix, usually one right after another until dark. That is if he’s fortunate enough not to be on call that night. Our customers have been very considerate and I’m sure very thankful. I just can’t imagine that’s of much conciliation to what they endured. I am truly proud of everyone.
Second and equally important is the families of the technicians. The wives who worry about their husbands driving home late at night after such exhausting days. Knowing their loved ones are far from home, in stressful situations, and with little time for communication with their family. The young children who only know Dad’s not home and the rest of the family that seems out of sorts because someone’s missing. It’s truly a sacrifice and on behalf of ModernControls I’d like to thank you.
Next I’d like to thank the rest of the staff at Modern for falling into the support role. When the technicians needed help everyone was there for them. Lending a hand isn’t easy when everyone has more to do because of the extreme weather but they did it. Making a call, picking something up, dropping something off or just checking in to make sure everything is OK.
On the worst weekend night of the summer we went from two technicians out working to ten in an hour. Two more were standing by willing to help and actually volunteered to be on call for the rest of the night to give the on call tech’s a break. One technician went to a site to help another technician complete a repair so he could get home a little sooner and a little safer.
ModernControls has had so many great accomplishments over the years; none have made me prouder than the service technicians this summer.