Tuesday, June 26, 2012

USGBC Blog: Existing Buildings = The 99%

USGBC Blog: Existing Buildings = The 99%:

It's hard to overstate the potential (and necessity) of greening our existing building stock. Buildings account for 73% of electricity consumption in the U.S. and 38% of CO2 emissions. Can you imagine the dent we can make with added efficiency in this sector - environmentally and economically?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

SkySpark / Analytics

If you want to learn about what will be common place in the building automation industry in a few years check out this web site. It's an easy read with links to explanations of the terms we will use in the future. It will help establish the verbiage we need to learn in order to talk about what we are doing. I had the opportunity to meet and hear the company principles speak and the Tridum Summit. We are not currently using the product, but we intend to go with this company when the need arises.
