Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Schools and Universities to Continue Investment in New and Retrofit Green Building

Schools and Universities to Continue Investment in New and Retrofit Green Building

Social benefits of green building cited by respondents include:

·         Improved test scores, reported by 70 percent of K-12 respondents;

·         Increased enrollment, reported by 39 percent of higher education respondents;
·         Increased reputation, reported by 65 percent of higher education;
·         Positive impact on student health and well-being, reported by all K-12 respondents and 90 percent of higher education respondents

Sometimes you're sitting in your office thinking about being cold, sometimes your thinking about work

Sometimes your kids are sitting in class thinking about being cold, sometimes . . .

Monday, November 19, 2012

ACHR News : Shedding Light on VRF Misconceptions

This is a pretty good article on VRF systems. It's not really about the operation or efficiency it's about the importance of details that need to be followed. We have installed and completed start-up for a few manufactures and have service agreements for at least one system of all the manufactures mentioned.We have completed both design build VRF systems and plan and spec VRF systems.